约翰(比利·查平 Billy Chapin 饰)和佩尔(萨莉·简·布鲁斯 Sally Jane Bruce 饰)是一对苦命的兄妹,他们的父亲本(彼得·格雷夫斯 Peter
Now come into his full knowledge and power, the Anti-Christ in the body of Damien Thor
《面具》(原作:永井豪)小学生未来(铃木梨央 饰)从寺院主持那里听说了一个面孔掉落后人便离奇消失的可怕传说。当晚,同学小秋打来电话,声称自己的面孔正在脱落,即将消失。不久,
名叫佐伯俊雄(小山僚太 饰)的男孩多日未曾上课,他的级任教师小林俊介(柳优怜 饰)按照地址登门拜访,发现家里乱七八糟,臭气熏天,而独自在家的俊雄则浑身是伤,精神恍惚。俊雄的
2016 / 法国 / 伯努瓦·马吉梅尔,丽姆·柯里奇,陶菲克·杰拉巴,索菲安·哈姆斯,阿米尔·卡西姆
A hardened criminal fresh out of the joint takes a job as a handyman in a dilapidated
A couple rents a countryside house for a weekend with their parents and then discover
2023 / 英国 / Olga,Solo,Abigail,Huxley,Jimmy,Roberts,Flex,Singh,Julian,Amos,Robson,Medler,Jack,Barry
U.S. Border Patrol Agent, Angel Waters, makes a routine apprehension that will haunt h
When a mysterious prisoner lands in his jail, a border town sheriff faces the wrath of
In 1976 a troubled teen befriends her bullied neighbor, seeking revenge on his torment
Seven new tales of terror from the Heartland will rip your heart out.
Two members of a defunct neo-Nazi metal band reunite at the site of their band-mate
The film follows five teenagers who are stalked by a killer in the woods. However, whe